Welcome From Bishop Richard

'Thank you for your visiting the Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Website – a ‘window’ into the life of the Catholic Church in Surrey and Sussex, a welcoming community of people committed to Christ and His Church. If the Gospel Message is new to you, or if you are seeking detailed information about the Diocese, this site will help you to explore the many ways in which the life of the Diocese and its parishes can help you on your pilgrimage of life.'

Diocesan News

Jubilee: "Much-needed signs of hope"

The commuting of death sentences in the US and release of prisoners in Zimbabwe and Cuba lift our gaze from the sorrow of war and violence.

Peace Sunday: an appeal for solidarity and justice

In this year's Message, Pope Francis highlights the role of debt in promoting global inequality and limiting human flourishing.

Bishop Richard's Weekly Reflection: We receive the gifts the Spirit gives

"Let us not be silent about the wonderful things God does for us."

Bishops to travel to the Holy Land to support and advocate for Christians living there

Ending the violence in the region “has never been more urgent”.

Our People

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Our Parishes

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Our Events

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The word vocation comes from the Latin ‘vocare’, meaning ‘to call’ - so a vocation is a calling. Everyone has a vocation. Our first call is to love God and to be holy, or as Pope Francis put it, ‘to be saints is not a privilege for a few but a vocation for everyone.’