"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
Formation, beginning with and grounded in prayer, leads us to be ever closer to Christ – conformed to Him. Formation requires a deeper understanding of Scriptures, especially the Gospels. Catechesis is one element of Formation, grounded in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and enabling us to develop an understanding of the teachings of the Magisterium. The celebration of the Liturgy is, itself, a means of formation, centred on the celebration of the Eucharist on Sundays. Formation is life-long, for the journey to closer conformity to Christ is the very purpose of our lives. (Pastoral Plan 2024, 3.2.i)
Our weekly E-Bulletin contains details of the many Formation courses and events that are held around the Diocese. Subscribe here to receive it:
"In Jesus of Nazareth we encounter the face of God, who came down from his heaven to immerse himself in the human world, in our world, and to teach “the art of living”, the road to happiness; to set us free from sin and make us children of God."
The diocesan Formation Team focuses on supporting and forming the laity, working in collaboration with the Clergy Ongoing Formation Team. As followers of Jesus Christ, we strive to be more closely conformed to him, so that we may bring his Good News to our brothers and sisters ever more effectively. The Formation Team aims to help clergy and parish lay leadership teams to offer formation to the lay faithful, with advice, events and courses in the areas of adult Formation and Spirituality; Youth; Marriage & Family Life; Social Action, and Liturgy and Music.
"Formation is not simply about the acquisition of facts or even the assembly of cogent arguments but it is about conforming the whole person to the likeness of Christ. The Formation Team members are highly motivated experts in their particular fields who have been tasked with providing first-class formation in all areas of Church life across the Diocese. Wherever possible this formation is provided locally, using the deaneries as a base, but always with the intention of helping people to flourish within their parishes." Canon Kieron O’Brien
The mission of the Ongoing Formation (OGF) Team is to support all diocesan clergy - priests and deacons - in accessing opportunities for formation in line with the teaching of the Catholic Church and the demands and requirements of ordained ministry.
At the heart of this work is a recognition of the great value of all our clergy, and their unique personal calling within priestly and diaconal ministry. Formation is a lifelong encounter with Jesus Christ, and we seek to help clergy grow in the four aspects of formation: human, intellectual, spiritual and pastoral, supporting them to promote missional development in diocesan parishes, and working alongside the lay faithful within the framework of The Word Who Is Life, our diocesan Pastoral Plan. The OGF Team works very closely with the Formation Team to equip the whole diocese for mission.
"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."
In this letter from Peter, we see how the Church has always encouraged its members to be able to explain the hope of the gospel. In our own day, religious faith is typically met with cynicism and so we need to have our answers ready. As Bishop Richard writes:
"The Church in this country finds herself in a very significant moment. Many have described society as ‘post-Christian’ or ‘post-religious...’ In this place, the Christian is called to be both well-formed and well-informed. This is a time in which the Church must go out into the world … not to be self-absorbed, but to be confident in professing the True Faith."
"God has created me to do Him some definite service. He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission. I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next."