Safeguarding sub-committee

The diocesan Safeguarding Sub-Committee of Trustees is responsible for ensuring that the national safeguarding procedures for the Catholic Church are implemented. You can see the names and roles of diocesan Sub-Committee members below, and can email the Independent Chair here:


Helen Milton
Independent Chair 

Canon Kieron O'Brien
Safeguarding Priest Advisor

Canon Paul Jennings
Judicial Vicar

Sarah Kilmartin
Diocesan Chief Operating Officer

Liz Bedford
Parish Safeguarding Representative

Lizzie Wakeling
Diocesan Youth Adviser

Laura Maydew-Gale
Diocesan Communications

Katherine Taylor-Birnie
Health & Adult Social Care
Brighton & Hove

Kate Howard
Probation Service

Dilhara Fernando
Lourdes Pilgrimage

Clare Wordsworth
Trustee & Parish Representative

DS Michael Chalk
Surrey Police

DCI Andrew Harbour
Sussex Police