Going To Lourdes


Travelling to Lourdes is a wonderful experience full of fun, companionship, faith, friendship and laughter. Each person on our pilgrimage brings distinctive gifts and graces with them, benefitting those they meet during the week.

What do we do during our Pilgrimage Week?

We have a daily programme of events which includes a number of Masses and liturgies in different settings, with different themes. Bishop Richard celebrates a Mass of welcome for everyone and opening ceremony, where everyone is invited to have their hands blessed in recognition of the service we offer each other as we make our pilgrimage together. We also celebrate Mass at the Grotto where we remember friends and family members who have died, and a Mass of farewell shortly before we leave Lourdes. There is a Holy Hour during the week, a time for Lectio Divina, and many other opportunities for private and group prayer at the Grotto and in the Sanctuary.

What We Do During our Week

We participate in two processions in honour of Our Lady’s wish for us to travel to Lourdes on pilgrimage; the Blessed Sacrament Procession and the Torchlight Procession. Both these processions occur daily and attract hundreds of pilgrims.

A number of other activities take place during our week away including; a special party for our younger children, a garden party with ice-cream, a music concert performed by our talented musicians and celebrations in each hotel at the end of the week.

We participate in several large Sanctuary events, including the International Mass, where 15,000 Lourdes pilgrims from around the world gather together to celebrate Sunday Mass.

Pilgrim Roles in Lourdes

When in Lourdes, all pilgrims offer our service to the Pilgrimage in one of these seven roles: 

Pilgrim: our Pilgrims are totally independent in care and travel. You will not need any assistance in Lourdes or on the journey, and you do not receive any assistance at home.

Assisted Pilgrim: You will need some help from other people with the journey, getting to/from the various places in Lourdes, personal care or clinical support. Please note, places for assisted pilgrims will be formally confirmed after applications close and we know that we have enough helpers and clinicians to support you.  

Redshirt: a young person aged 15/16 by 31 August 2025 (school years 10 & 11) who wants to explore what it means to be a Catholic within a group of other young people, while offering service to others. For more information, click here.

Purpleshirt: a young person aged 17 by 31 August 2025 (school year 12) who offer their service to others as a helper (and forms part of the Helper group), but does not undertake intimate personal care. They come together as a group of young helpers each evening to explore what it means to be a Catholic and socialise together. For more information, click here.

Helper: adults aged 18-75 who offer their service to others on the pilgrimage in a spirit of love and generosity. You will be expected to help our Assisted Pilgrims each day and will be allocated to a team in Lourdes. To read about the role of the Helper, click here. We also select our Hotel Leaders and Deputies from this category.

Doctor, Nurse or other Healthcare Worker: Only doctors and nurses who are actively working in the UK and fully registered can join us in those capacities during our week away. Retired and other Healthcare professionals have skills that can help us whilst in Lourdes, so if you are retired or a member of another healthcare profession, please feel free to contact our Chief Medical Officer or our Chief Nurse

Families with Young Children (age 0-14) will be allocated into our Family Group so that they spend time with other families and have the support of our family group teams to help you share your pilgrimage with your children. If your family would prefer to stay in one of our other groups, please contact the Pilgrimage Office to discuss this option. 

Clergy/Religious: We are very fortunate to be supported by many Clergy and Religious and we recognise that not all priests, deacons, or religious wish to be chaplains in Lourdes. If this is the case for you, please let the Pilgrimage Office know, and they will ensure that you are not allocated any duties.

How to get involved?

The following videos explore what it is like to come on pilgrimage with us including explaining the various roles that are available during our time away. Those who need help to get to Lourdes and varying levels of support during our week away travel with us as Assisted Pilgrims, there are also (amongst others) our Family Groups, Redshirts and our Able Pilgrims who join us for a week of prayer and reflection.