
Bishop Richard will celebrate Mass at Arundel Cathedral on Prisoners' Sunday

October 9, 2024

Prisoners' Sunday takes place this weekend, with Bishop Richard celebrating Mass at Arundel Cathedral at 10am. Prisoners’ Sunday offers people across our community of faith with an important opportunity to reflect on and pray for prisoners and their families. It is an opportunity to consider how we, as individuals, as a Church, and as communities, serve our brothers and sisters affected by imprisonment. Bishop Richard is the Liaison Bishop for Prisons for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales. Speaking about the importance of Pact's work he said:

"Pact’s work is deeply rooted in Catholic Social Teaching. Pact continues to restore hope and dignity to thousands of people affected by imprisonment. Staff and volunteers work in 68 prisons across England and Wales. We know that retaining strong family bonds is a significant factor in preventing reoffending, Pact's care and practical support help people in prison stay connected with their families."

Cardinal Vincent Nichols said:

“ I invite you to join with me in supporting Prisoners’ Sunday, on 13 October. Pact supports people throughout England and Wales, whatever their beliefs. The charity's work is varied, and includes care for children whose parents have been sent to prison, as well as offering practical assistance to people leaving prison, who are trying to make a fresh start and put their past behind them.”

Pact works in six prisons in our Diocese supporting people in court and in the community, they also run the prison Visitors’ Centres attended by children and families. It can be upsetting to visit a loved one in prison, and it can be hard to be visited ‘inside’ by your children and members of your family. Visitors can easily feel overwhelmed and apprehensive. Pact staff and volunteers provide a friendly welcome and good information about what to expect. Pact's CEO Andy Keen-Downs said:

“We are delighted that Bishop Richard is celebrating a Prisoners’ Sunday Mass in Arundel Cathedral. How beautiful and how fitting that prisoners and their families will be brought before the Lord in the Cathedral, as well as in parishes in the Diocese.
"Every day, I hear how our prisons are in crisis. Prisons are overcrowded and inspection reports are often dire. There are many in prison experiencing mental health crises. Whilst with the new government we are waiting for system change, we must carry on, sleeves rolled up on the prison wings and landings. The change we make happen every day is in the human heart.”

Parish Second Collections to support the work of Pact mean that the charity can do more for prisoners and their families. In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, Jesus makes it clear that a life worthy of the reward of Heaven must involve actively helping people in need – “I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Pact need your help now more than ever. You can: invite Pact to speak in your church, donate to Pact's Prisoners’ Sunday appeal and pray for prisoners and their families.

The support of Catholic communities makes a huge difference to Pact and to the impact the charity can make for people living through what may well be the worst times of their lives. To find out more please visit Pact's website.
