
Bishop Richard's Weekly Reflection: The more we dwell in the Gospel, we dwell in Christ.

March 22, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters,

“Hosanna to the Son of David” – our welcome to the Lord as He enters Jerusalem is a welcome to the One Who brings hope to a very broken world. With conflict raging in so many places across our world, the Lord comes to suffer, die and rise from the dead that we might know His peace – the peace that only He can bring.  

As we follow Him into our churches this Palm Sunday – and as we walk with Him in the events of His life-giving passion, death and resurrection – may we walk with our suffering sisters and brothers, wherever they may be. Let us accompany them in their suffering as we accompany the Lord in His suffering.  

Today, we shall listen to the Passion account given us by St Mark. Do not, as it were, leave this text at the church door when you leave. Take it with you in mind and heart. Read it again over the coming days. Allow the inspired words that are an account of our salvation to find a home in you. The more we dwell in the Gospel, the more we dwell in Christ, in the One who suffered, died and rose again for us. The more we dwell in Christ, the more open we shall be to His gift of peace – a gift that is for the whole world.

With every blessing,

+ Richard

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