
Bishop Richard's Weekly Reflection: The Lord’s is always calling us back to Him.

March 1, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters,

This Sunday’s Gospel is challenging. It is the account of the casting out of the money changers from the temple. Jesus acts swiftly and with force to remove from the House of Prayer all those things that prevent true devotion and worship, all those things that give offence to the holy place. The closing words of the Gospel: “He could tell what a man had in him” are applied to us just as they were to those whom Jesus encountered in Jerusalem.

Lent is the time when we are called to allow Jesus to remove from our minds and hearts all that should not be there; the time when our prayer, fasting and almsgiving open the doors of our hearts to the One who seeks to dwell in us – Jesus who sees and knows all that is in us.

The Lord’s invitation is always there, calling us back to Him. He is always knocking at the door, knowing what is within and desiring to transform us and make us His own. Let us open the doors of our minds and hearts so that we might allow the Lord to forgive all that keeps us from Him, to take up residence. Let us take the steps required to be truly His.  

With every blessing,

+ Richard

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