St John the Baptist Church in Brighton welcomed the staff and pupils of St John the Baptist Primary School for Mass on 9 February, when Carly Carden was inducted as Headteacher.
The readings today were particularly appropriate for the occasion, with the words of Isaiah, "Here I am! Send me", and the disciples in the Gospel leaving everything to follow Jesus reminding us of what our school leaders are called to do.
Bishop Richard told the pupils, who are part of the Schools Singing Programme, that they sang wonderfully during the Mass. Family and friends joined the parish celebrations afterwards.
St John the Baptist is a one-form entry school in the heart of East Brighton. The school's vision is to provide the highest quality education within a Catholic ethos. Through the love of God, it aims to foster individual uniqueness, recognising that every child is created in the image of God (Gen 1:27). With that vision in mind, the school's mission statement is:
"Learning and growing together, unique in God’s eyes."