Over 80 people joined East Brighton's Catholic Social Teaching Conference earlier this month, at The Fitzherbert Community Hub in Kemptown. Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is part of the Church's moral theology, offering a rich resource for mission and a framework for good judgement. Rooted in Scripture, it developed during the Industrial Revolution with Pope Leo XIII's encyclical "Rerum Novarum" (1891) considered CST's foundational text.
The afternoon conference, led by Jenny Sinclair, Founder and Director of "Together for the Common Good" - a charity dedicated to civic and spiritual renewal - explored the principles of CST highlighting how its core values: the dignity of the human person, stewardship, the preferential option for the poor and the common good, can transform parish life and foster a culture of listening, engagement and evangelisation, with practical suggestions including the creation of discipleship groups, acts of public prayer, and "parish mapping" which identifies and increases engagement with local businesses and civic groups.
Speaking shortly after the event, Canon Kieron O'Brien said:
"Catholic Social Teaching can be the lens through which we view the world, giving us a framework for discernment in order to read the signs of the times. The conference led by Jenny, was very affirming; in many ways we are beginning to see the fruits of CST locally, through our partnership at the Fitzherbert Community Hub, and through our community organising partnership with Citizens UK.
"CST creates a vision of a relational outward-facing Church, which aligns well with our shared discipleship and missionary calling. During the coming months our Parish Leadership Team will explore ways of deepening this experience, promoting CST synodally so that we can discern what the Holy Spirit is placing in our hearts for our new parish in the city of Brighton & Hove."
The conference was organised by Jo Gilbert in partnership with Canon Kieron and members of the parish community - including a number of young adults and students, who offered a wonderful welcome and hospitality to attendees.