
Canon Kieron O'Brien and Ruth Creamer are cycling to Lourdes!

July 22, 2024

A selfie taken by Canon Kieron of him and Ruth at an outdoor cafe table, with glasses of Orangina. Both are dressed for serious cycling; Ruth is still wearing her cycle helmet. Canon Kieron is wearing shades

Canon Kieron O’Brien, Episcopal Vicar for Pastoral Planning and Ruth Creamer, chaplain, began an incredible fundraising cycling trip of more than 500 miles last week, taking them to Lourdes, where they will meet our annual diocesan pilgrimage group.

They began their pilgrimage on Friday, cycling from home to Portsmouth, to catch the ferry to France. From there, they cycled 47 miles to Flers, beginning with a nice ride down the Viore Verde, by the River Orne, but some very challenging hills followed, on the hottest day of the year so far. Speaking from Flers, Canon Kieron said:

"They don't call this area Suisse Normande for nothing!"

Saturday saw them cycling 100 miles from Flers to Angers in time to visit the Eglise Notre Dame des Victoires, for Mass. En route, they went through rolling farm land, with many combines out harvesting. They also saw a red squirell, a snake, a deer and many buzzards!

Sunday offered some relief from the heat, as the day began cloudy. They cycled their first 25km along the Loire - but Ruth reports that they "then got caught up in a road race in Doue-le-Fontaine, which was a bit bizarre." That was followed by long straight roads down to Parthenay, topping off a mainly uphill 73 mile day. 

On, Monday, Ruth and Canon Kieron were on their way again, heading south from Parthenay to Cognac. And Monday marked "HALFWAY DAY!!!". Ruth reports that the cyclists covered 76 miles, "through miles and miles of sunflowers and vines," stopping off at a boulangerie for pastries to celebrate, at the Lourdes halfway point. Ruth wrote from Cognac: 

"I have a few aches and pains setting in, so not looking forward to a big day tomorrow. Your encouragement and support would be appreciated."

Tuesday's journey will take them to Marland and Wednesday's to Aire sur l'Amour. Canon Kieron and Ruth are expected to arrive in Lourdes on Thursday, to join the rest of the pilgrimage group, which arrives on Friday.

Click below if you would like to make a donation to the Pilgrimage in support of their fundraising efforts. Daily updates to follow!
