
Joy and thanksgiving at the Diaconal Ordination of Ben Louis Williams in Lewes

July 18, 2024

Deacon Ben stands left of Bishop Richard in a large group of vested clergy outside a brick church on a cloudy evening. Everyone looks very happy.

The church community of St Pancras, Lewes, celebrated the Diaconate Ordination of Ben Louis Williams on Tuesday evening, with Mass led by Bishop Richard, attended by priests, deacons and lay faithful from across the Diocese. Speaking during the homily, Bishop Richard said:

“We give thanks today that Ben has heard the promptings of the Holy Spirit and answered with a generous heart to serve the Church as a deacon – a twofold ministry of Word and of Charity - the Ministry of the Word, proclaiming the Gospel, but also, each and every day growing closer to The Word Who is Life, The Word Made Flesh.”

Addressing the congregation, Parish Priest and diocesan Vicar General, Canon Jonathan Martin said:

“Ben is a good man and a sincere man; a man who has great generosity of spirit and heart. He is given to us today thanks to the ministry of Bishop Richard, and thanks to God.“When we see Ben about his diaconal ministry, we can be reminded that Christ stands in our midst as our servant; we are all called to the service of one another and to the service of those people beyond the walls of the Church, to whom Christ sends us out to proclaim the Gospel. Ben, thank you for answering God’s call."

Ben was received into the Church in Lewes in 2016. Reflecting after the Mass, he said:

"My Ordination on Tuesday was the culmination of four years spent in formation at St Mary's University. It was the most wonderful occasion. I am so grateful to Canon Jonathan and to Bishop Richard for placing their faith and trust in me. It is a wonderful privilege to be able to serve the faithful of St Pancras, who have shown me so much love and support during my diaconal formation."

You can see more photographs from the celebration on the diocesan Flickr feed.
