On Sunday 9 March, Bishop Richard inducted Tim Hallett as the Headteacher of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Epsom, during Mass in St Joseph's Church. Canon Bill Davern and Fr Simon Hall concelebrated, assisted by Deacon Gary Carter. Staff and pupils from the school led the music, accompanied by Chair of Governors, Chris Donovan and a congregation of over 750 were present for this celebration, which continued in the parish hall afterwards.
Bishop Richard reflected that the readings for the first Sunday of Lent spoke to the mission of a Headteacher: to serve God alone and, in so doing, be of service to others.
St Joseph's School mission statement, which was written by children from the school, echoes that call to serve God and others:
We are God’s family, here to learn and try our best.
God is at the heart of everything. Prayer is behind us in all that we do.
We are called to serve others.
As friends of Jesus we treat others with respect , as we would wish to be treated.
We want everyone to be the best person they can be.
We are all amazing in our own way.
We look after the wonderful world that God created for us
St Joseph's School was rated Outstanding by Ofsted in December 2023, and in September 2024, the school's Catholic Schools Inspection also concluded that St Joseph's was an outstanding school in all areas, namely Catholic Life and Mission, Religious Education and Prayer and Worship.