
Bishop Richard inducts new Head of School at St Cuthbert Mayne

January 27, 2025

Back row: James Kibble, Xavier CET CEO; Julie Oldroyd, Director of Education; Fr Alistair Simmons
Front row: Neil Lewin, Chair of Governors; Amy O’Donovan, Head of School; Kate Licence, Xavier CET; and Bishop Richard

On Sunday 26 January, Amy O’Donovan was inducted by Bishop Richard as Head of School at St Cuthbert Mayne, Cranleigh. Fr Alistair Simmons and the congregation at Jesus Christ Redeemer of Mankind in Cranleigh welcomed Amy’s family, colleagues past and present along with representatives from Xavier Catholic Education Trust and the Diocesan Education Service.

The pupils sang the psalm and a New Year carol and read the Prayer of the Faithful. Afterwards, parishioners and visitors were invited to the school hall for refreshments.

The celebration took place on the Sunday of the Word of God and Bishop Richard reflected on how school leaders are called to share in ensuring that God's word heard by all in our school communities.

St Cuthbert Mayne is a one-form entry primary school which is part of the Xavier Catholic Education Trust. It aims to be a vibrant community grounded in faith and learning, inspired by Christ’s command to love God and our neighbour, with a clear mission:

“Everyone Belonging; Aiming High; Growing in Faith”.