
On Tuesday in Lourdes, pilgrims gather for Mass with the Anointing of the Sick

July 30, 2024

Canon Kieron O'Brien prays over a pilgrim in a wheelchair, laying hands upon his head. A deacon and many other pilgrims - both Assisted Pilgrims and Helpers - look on. One also places a supportive hand on the shoulder of the person being prayed over.

On Tuesday, at 2pm, the whole pilgrimage gathers for Mass with Anointing of the Sick in the Underground Basilica.

Many sick pilgrims from our Diocese will be anointed. For Catholics who have already received the Sacraments of Initiation, the Anointing (the Sacrament of the Sick) renews their closeness to Jesus. Because they are chronically or dangerously ill or have grown frail due to old age that closeness to Jesus may seem to them distant. The laying on of hands and anointing with the oil of the sick rejuvenates their faith in His closeness to them at these most difficult of times. They are reassured that they are dear to God as part of His heavenly family.

The healing which flows from this anointing is a closeness to Jesus who will sustain them with his love as an uncertain future unfolds.

There is also a dedicated time for one-to-one prayer for those in need of prayer and healing, for people who may have suffered a bereavement or who do not have an illness that is grave and potentially life threatening or who are not elderly and frail and thus are not anointed.

Let us pray for all the sick of our Diocese, that God may comfort them in their suffering and keep them close to Him always.

At 5.30pm, the Redshirts’ (young people in school years 10 and 11) will lead and Hour of Prayer.

Tuesday concludes with Party Night in Hotels/Accueil at 8.30pm.

You can read the Pilgrimage Handbook, to follow the Pilgrimage's prayers, Masses and events, by clicking the button below.
