The students and staff of Mayfield School recently had the pleasure of hosting staff from Cardinal Hume Centre and presenting them with a cheque for an incredible £4,066—all thanks to the amazing efforts from the school's Sleep Out in November and December Live Crib event.
In November, Mayfield students spent a night outside, giving up their usual comforts to stand in solidarity with families, children, and young people in London facing poverty and homelessness. Organised by Mayfield’s Justice and Peace group, this experience was a powerful reminder of the School's commitment to making a real difference.
Mayfield’s Live Crib has been a cherished tradition since 1959, with students beautifully retelling the timeless story of Mary and Joseph in the School's historic 14th Century chapel. The Live Crib is a moment of reflection, joy, and community for everyone at Mayfield.
The Cardinal Hume Centre, located in Central London, supports families and young people facing poverty and homelessness by helping them to thrive. It first opened its doors in 1986 with its founding ethos centred on supporting homeless young people and families living in temporary, poor quality accommodation. The aim was to provide a warm and non-judgemental welcome to all and a holistic, person-centred service all in one building.
Congratulations to Mayfield's amazing Justice & Peace group for their hard work, truly living out the School's motto: Actions not Words.
Sources: Mayfield School; Cardinal Hume Centre