
Racial Justice Sunday: “Pilgrims of Hope: Our Journey Together Towards Racial Justice”

February 15, 2025

The theme for Racial Justice Sunday this weekend is: “Pilgrims of Hope: Our Journey Together Towards Racial Justice”. The theme invites Catholics across England and Wales to reflect on the collective journey towards racial justice in our schools, parishes and wider society. Highlighting the importance of the day, the Lead Bishop for Racial Justice, Bishop Paul McAleenan said: “2025 is a very special year. It marks both a Year of Jubilee and the 30th anniversary of Racial Justice Sunday.

“This year, we invite the Catholic community to reflect on the journey towards racial justice – past, present and future – by asking: ‘How far have we come, where are we now and what remains to be achieved?’

“Just as pilgrims must prepare for their journey and be properly equipped, we, too, need all that is necessary to propel us towards racial justice – the mind of Christ; examination of our progress and of the challenges that remain; a willingness to learn from one another; and prayers for and on the journey.

“It is my hope that our Racial Justice Sunday 2025 resources will not only assist but inspire the people of God to continue walking and praying together, on the path to racial justice.”

CBCEW have a number of reflections on racial justice available on their website; you can find them here.
