St Peter's Catholic School, Guildford, was delighted to announce this week that it has won the prestigious Gold Award for Coaching, Mentoring and Professional Learning in Education through CollectiveEd at Leeds Beckett University. This recognition highlights the school's commitment to nurturing the resilience and inquisitive nature of all its students and staff.
A representative of the school writes that:
"At St Peter's Catholic School, we have worked hard to integrate structured and purposeful talk into all aspects of school life and as a result, we have witnessed how learning through oracy can drive positive and motivational change. For the past six years, our Sixth Form student coaching team has continued to grow, and we are incredibly proud of how Year 12 and Year 13 have participated in training and learnt about the power of language, active listening and effective questioning. Last year, we had over sixty Year 13 student coaches and it is incredible to see how their example has encouraged Year 12 to follow in their footsteps. In total, we have trained seventy students to be a coach in 2025.
"Our Sixth Form students are first trained on how to become a coach, using Sir John Whitmore’s GROW model and a solution-focussed approach. They then meet their student coachees once a week and provide guided support, in order to ensure all students are motivated to achieve their goals. When student coaches were asked about their experiences of coaching, one student shared how ‘It helped me realise I can get to where I want to be’ and a Head of Year described how ‘Coaches make such a difference to the students’ well-being...' The Sixth Form coaches’ commitment, positive approach and mature attitude are also further highlighted in their dedication to regular training. It is a pleasure to see how these students continue to develop skills in empathetic noticing, curiosity, tone and body language. As a result, these coaching meetings have become a foundation of exploratory talk and build highly positive relationships.
"These pivotal and positive relationships are the result of our core values as a Catholic school and Sir John Whitmore's belief that 'coaching is unlocking people's potential to maximise their own performance.' Through our training programme and the dedication of our students, we have been delighted to observe the progress they make and how oracy is a powerful tool for self-inquiry. The programme thrives on the success of our student coachees who also greatly enjoy working with Sixth Form coaches, benefiting from the personalised guidance and skill development in a supportive environment. This structured support facilitates goal-oriented conversations, interpersonal skill development and preparation for life and opportunities outside of school.
"Our commitment to coaching and developing oracy skills in school has fostered an inclusive and supportive environment, where every student's voice is heard and valued, creating a strong sense of belonging. We are proud to see how students are empowered to articulate their ideas confidently, leading to meaningful discussions and personal success."
Many congratulations to St Peter's staff and students for this achievement!
Source: St Peter's Catholic School