
New "open-for-all" St Vincent de Paul café opens in Brighton

March 14, 2024

A barista coffee in a cup with a saucer, and a plate with delicious-looking cake with icing and blueberries on the top. And a cut lime with some mint.

The St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) is welcoming people of all ages to its new "open-for-all" café in Brighton together at the Tower House Community Centre, a wonderful historic Edwardian building.

Operating from 10am until 2pm every day, the café serves a range of hot barista-style drinks, alongside cold beverages and delicious cakes. Currently run by a mixture of paid staff and supportive volunteers, it is hoped that the café menu will expand and the café can be open for longer hours to serve the community’s needs. Speaking about the new café, Centre Manager at Tower House, Nicki Freeman, said: 

“Opening our café is such a great new opportunity for us at the centre. We made the decision to open to connect with our local community, so that we are even better placed to continue to offer help to those in need in our area, especially the over 50s.   
“Everyone is welcome in the café regardless of age, and we have already welcomed students, grandparents, mums with babies and dog walkers, even four-legged friends are welcome so long as they stay on their leads and are well behaved… and there are treats for them too! 
“All money that is made in the cafe goes towards keeping the St Vincent de Paul Society premises open for the wider community and to sustain the café service. It will also go towards ensuring that Tower House can continue to provide yet more services for the over 50s in the community who may struggle with social isolation, loneliness, or just want a place to come and get out of the house for a chat and some company.”

Tower House Community Centre & Café is part of the St Vincent de Paul Society (England and Wales), a Christian charity dedicated to tackling poverty in all forms by providing practical assistance to people who need it most.  Their services are open to those of any faith or none at all. The SVP’s 870 local groups compromise of 8,600 trained volunteer members who visit vulnerable or isolated people and offer them sincere friendship and practical support.

To find out more about Tower House Café or the SVP's services for older people, please contact the team at E: or T: 01273 549604.
