
The Diocesan Education Service launches The Oscar Romero Awards.

April 25, 2023

St Oscar Romero said 'we must be microphones of hope'. We are called to amplify the truth of light in our world and in our schools, to lift our voices like microphones to witness to Christ. Following the diocesan launch of The Oscar Romero Award at the Primary Heads Conference in February and with Secondary Heads in March, the Diocesan Education Service now invite schools to begin registering. The Oscar Romero Award will support schools in realising and living the unique calling of a Catholic school to become an evangelising centre, empowering young people and staff to become true agents of the change they want to see in the world by putting their faith into action:

“The Oscar Romero Award offers Catholic schools a unique opportunity to reflect in a pragmatic way what it means to live out our mission and ethos in our world today.”

The Award recognises a school’s commitment to Catholic Social Teaching (CST), advancing the key Christian teaching of love of God and neighbour through key CST principles:

  1. Dignity of the human person – do the policies and strategic decisions that school takes promote the value and worth of each person – both pupils and staff - as a child of God?
  2. Option for the poor – the Award framework asks whether schools make extra effort to support pupils who are ‘poor’ in broadest sense of the term. This can be those who are educationally poor but also those who are materially poor.
  3. The common good –  is the school a places of equity for all? How does the school promote diversity and inclusion among staff and pupils, and enable each to achieve their best – to be experience a full life?
  4. Solidarity – the framework asks schools how they are standing up for those who are ‘othered’ and left behind - not just pupils, but also members of staff and the wider community.
  5. Care for creation – how is the school promoting the care of creation in its strategic, curriculum and practical ways?
  6. Dignity of work and participation – how are school leaders enabling all their staff to fulfil their potential by treating them with dignity and respect.
  7. Peace – the award asks how schools are promoting reconciliation, forgiveness and understanding between members of its community as well as in other communities.

To find out more about the award and to register your school, please visit The Oscar Romero Award website.
