
The Diocese welcomes a new Permanent Deacon

July 23, 2024

Bishop Richard ordained Simon Tierney to the Permanent Diaconate at St Tarcisius Catholic Church, Camberley and Bagshot Parish on Thursday evening. Addressing Simon during the Mass, Bishop Richard said:

“We are never really the people God wants us to be until we have discovered our vocation. This evening, we rejoice in your journey, and we rejoice in the discernment that you have undertaken, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to follow the Lord’s way through your life.”


Simon first felt called to the diaconate during the diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage in 2019, experiencing “a quiet, subtle call”. With the support of his wife Anne and their three daughters Hannah, Rebekah, and Keziah (pictured above with Simon and Bishop Richard), he began a year of discernment at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, undertaking diaconate formation in 2021. Reflecting on his journey to diaconate ordination Simon said:


“[It] felt like putting on a new pair of shoes and beginning a new chapter. With the paperwork completed and interviews done, Anne and I met with Bishop Richard who wisely advised us on the importance of love, prayers, and support. Through prayer, retreats and sharing experiences with a Spiritual Director, I gradually gained a deeper understanding. Healthcare chaplaincy further developed my listening skills and empathy and how to pray to the Holy Spirit in challenging moments.”


Speaking during his homily, Bishop Richard said:

“Simon, this is not the first time in your life that you have understood the Lord’s call; you were baptised, confirmed, and called to the wonderful vocation of marriage, and now the Lord has called you to the diaconate. With the prayers and encouragement of your family, you will bring the experience of married family life to your diaconal ministry, which will be a great blessing for all those whom you serve.”


Addressing the congregation at the end of Mass, Parish Priest Fr Paul Turner said:

“Many congratulations Simon, we look forward to your ministry in this parish and the many other churches where your ministry will be felt.”

