
Bishop Richard's Weekly Reflection: In Saints Peter & Paul "there is hope for us"

June 28, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today’s Feast is a wonderful occasion to reflect on the mission of the Church and, indeed, of our own Diocese. There is much hope for each and every one of us in the lives of these two great saints. Both had their frailties: St Peter could be impetuous and, when the moment of his greatest test came, he denied the Lord. Yet, Jesus, seeing the faith and love that were in him, called him to be the foundation on which the Church is built. St Paul, a one-time persecutor of the Church, comes to preach the Resurrection of Christ across the known world of his time.  

In these two men, therefore, there is hope for us. Despite our own faults, failings and weaknesses, Jesus calls us to be his disciples, to be those who – with lives built on the relationship of love that is our prayer, with faith nourished and deepened in the life of His Church – are his witnesses in our present age.  This is a time, a moment, when that witness is needed in so many ways.

These two great apostles call us to deepen our faith, to be firm our commitment.  We must give time to prayer; we must be faithful to the celebration of Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation – so that we can be ready for the work the Lord has given us to do.  We must, each our own situations, proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, the dignity of the human person and the wonder of the call to fullness of life.  

We see the Holy Spirit active in the lives of these two great saints.  May we grow in openness to the power of the Holy Spirit, so that through a growth in understanding and courage, and truly open to the Lord’s call, we may powerful witness to all around us.

With every blessing,

+ Richard

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