
Bishop Richard's Weekly Reflection: Marriage expresses "the love of God Himself."

October 4, 2024

Bishop Richard speaks at the ambo in Arundel Cathedral, vested in a white cope.

Dear brothers and sisters,

The vocation of marriage is a most wonderful gift – for those who are called to it, for the Church and for the world. This Sunday’s readings enable us all to reflect on this gift. In the Gospel, Jesus, making reference to the Book of Genesis (from which we also hear this Sunday), highlights the permanence and fidelity that are intrinsic to marriage, for husband and wife are in a relationship with each other and with God our loving Father. It is this relationship, with and in God, that gives Christian marriage both its meaning and its fulfilment – for the love of wife for husband and husband for wife is an expression of the love of God Himself.  

In this Sunday’s Second Reading, the writer of the Letter to the Hebrews speaks of Jesus' total self-giving. This is an important reflection for the vocation of marriage, too – for in marriage husband and wife give to each other. It is giving, not taking. In this regard, marriage is an example for every Christian, for every one of us is called through baptism to the essential vocation to be a Christian – a follower of Christ, a person who serves, a person who gives rather than takes.  

In a society where the spirit of taking – of acquisition, satisfaction of self, power – is so prevalent, the vocation of the Christian, the vocation of those called to marriage, is a powerful witness to another way – nothing less than the way of Christ Himself.  

With every blessing,

+ Richard

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