Held every three years in a different city across the world, the WMOF was originally launched in 1994 by Pope St John Paul II. Although centred on Rome, the main focus of the WMF 2022 will be on dioceses around the world, each with their own 'Rome@Home' programme of local events taking place in parishes across the globe. This year's special format offers an opportunity to create a worldwide event involving all families that would like to feel part of the ecclesial community.
The family, which is founded and given life by love, is a community of persons." (Familiaris Consortio 18) Saint Pope John Paul II.
In his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), Pope Francis speaks about the importance of parish life. He refers to Saint Pope John Paul II's description of a parish as "the Church living in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters" (Christifideles Laici,26) - we are encouraged and strengthened through our community, while we are formed by the Holy Spirit.
Pope Francis highlights that a parish is called to be the presence of the Church in a community, providing a place where people can hear God's word, grow in discipleship, and extend themselves in love to the poor and needy, bringing families together – a place where we can pray, worship, and celebrate together. (Amorim Laetitia 87,88).
In a 2005 address, Pope Benedict XVI described the parish as an extended family which "brings together brothers and sisters who have no desire for power or selfish interests, but who live in the joy of the charity of God, who is love." It is when we come together at Mass, as a community in Christ, that we see the great variety of families who make up our extended parish family.
It is a special joy when we see young families taking part in the Mass and engaged in the life of the parish. When babies are crying, or fidgety children are making a noise; these are all signs that the Church is young and alive; a community of young families, mature families, extended families, young and old together. During World Meeting of Families week here will be opportunities for you to join the presentations from Rome which can be found here.
CELEBRATE@home Prayer Stations are designed for families, parishes and groups to create an interactive prayer journey. They have been created as a response to the 10th World Meeting of Families (WMOF) which is taking place this month. CELEBRATE wishes to make these Prayer Stations available to every parish and diocese to celebrate this event, you can access them here.
Share the prayer card already shared with A&B parishes (downloadable below) with members of your parish, and encourage its use. Perhaps pray it together at the end of the Mass 18/19 and 25/26 of June - the two weekends nearest the WMOF.
Hold a parish picnic to celebrate the joy of family life that coincides with the closing of the WMOF.
Use one of the recordings from the Theological Congress to promote discussion with your parish team about the ongoing development of family ministry within your parish. You can find them here.